Friday, April 27, 2012

my wooden swing gets a paint job

So here is my old swing that has taken a beating these last 10 years.  I put a dark stain (boring...) a few years ago but it really needed a little fixing up.

And since my paint applier of choice these days is a rag, here it is with the lovely paint I picked out. I sanded the swing first, then just rubbed the paint on. It dried really fast.

Now it just needs a good clear varnish to protect it from the elements.I will get around to that tomorrow.  Did you notice in the first picture that I had only put some newspaper down as protection, then I ran to get a big sheet of plastic, that I "normally" use when I paint, as the first few little droplets of BLUE paint dripped on the terrace.... Will I ever learn!

a close-up, I like how it looks kind of distressed. You can see alot of the wood underneath.  So it is really a new paint job so the swing will look old!

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