Saturday, February 18, 2012

Skirt from a T-shirt

It started with the purchase of 2 XL t-shirts.  Here is one that I kind of stuck back together(I had already cut off the sleeves). 
Here is the skirt I put together with the two back panels and two small side panels made with the front of one shirt. 
This is the detail of the side stitching and reverse appliqué that I have halfway finished. I used a white t-shirt and blue thread for this design and for the other one that you can see drawn there underneath I am going to use a blue t-shirt and white thread.  I don't know what kind of waist band I will use yet.  All these stitches and designs come from the Alabama Stitch book by Natalie Chanin.  For some strange reason I didn't use the skirt pattern in the book.  I forgot it was there.  Next time I will though, it looks like a good pattern.  Let me know what you think.  I will post pictures of the finished project....well, when it's finished!


  1. So cool! Did you leave the part of the tshirt that had the graphics? We bought Kevin a Captain America shirt for his birthday that ended up ringing up at $3! I am seriously thinking of going to get some more in 3X to use for some of those Chanin ideas. You know, just something else to add to the project box. You are such a inspiration to me--you actually finish things! I'm so proud of you :-) Where did you get the stencil? Did you make it up?

    1. Thanks, but I am not actually finished. I do encourage you to go get some of those t-shirts. You have a pattern in the Alabama stitch book of the skirt. You need 4 t-shirts in 2 colors. The stencil came in the 2nd book. You go girl!!
